The Campaign for A Future WithOut Gas and For Clean Heat

We need to stop National Grid from squandering millions of ratepayer dollars on dangerous, wasteful, obsolete fossil fuel infrastructure while leaving major leaks elsewhere in Newton unaddressed. We have provided city councilors with evidence that fixing the leaks is more cost effective for ratepayers than pipe replacement. And, it doesn't lock us into using gas long after the system is obsolete. We want National Grid to #FixTheBigLeaks and plan for a future without gas. We support a triage and transition approach to reduce the hazards, pollution and waste of gas and promote efficiencies, electrification and decarbonization.  

The members of the Campaign for A Future WithOut Gas thank Councilor Alison Leary for her leadership in speaking out for A Future WithOut Gas and For Clean Heat.  

Newton Gas Leaks Map

See an updated Gas Leaks Map based on reports as of December 2022 at